Beautiful Barbados, and a note about comments to this blog...
Thank you, those of you that have posted comments. A couple of notes on that. After EACH day's post there is a line in small print saying who posted it and at what time (by the way the time is messed up a little, I certainly wasn't up at 5 AM yesterday...), along with the number of comments and a little yellow pencil icon. You can post your comment, by clicking on the yellow pencil, after the relevant day, rather than having to scroll right to the bottom of the page. In fact the internet cost by the minute is so expensive on the ship that I hadn't checked back to the beginning of the blog (where some of you have posted your comments) until today, so had missed them at the time. FYI, I actually work off-line for almost everything short of uploading pictures and the text, but have been building in an extra session during each day to check the comments... it's a lot of fun to read them. I will be able to reply to some comments directly. I will do this in the "comments" section for that particular day. But as I don't have time to reply to each comment directly, I will also try to address the questions that you have asked in future posts. I guess you'll have to keep reading and I'll have to keep writing!

Today we chose an organised shore excursion - we booked it onboard - called "Wild Feathers and Swim". Having worked on cruise ships in the past, we knew that you will always pay more to be on an organised tour, but there are certain advantages (no organising to do on your own, no chance of getting ripped off by taxi-drivers, no chance of getting left behind etc) which make people feel comfortable taking them. We found that quite a lot of the tours offered much more than we really wanted to do (with small kids) so wouldn't have made good sense for us. However, once we had done a little bit of comparison-shopping on the other islands and had found that Disney's markup wasn't as much as we assumed, and because we couldn't think of any way to do the tour that they offered by ourselves anyway, we booked. Too much detail? Maybe, but there is subtle thinking going on, and the cruise itself costs at least a few dollars, so I think it is OK to try to economise a little here and there if possible without selling ourselves short. This will be the subject of another special post - "Top 10 ways to avoid blowing your life savings while on the Disney Wonder without being a cheapskate" - which will come as soon as I work out which are the best 10...
But I digress...

In our time away from the children, Maritala and I went to the gym. Yes, that is not a mis-print. We both spent a harrowing 30 minutes on the elliptical trainers. I think I lost about 3 lbs in sweat, and maybe an ounce or two in fat as well. Actually it wasn't harrowing, it felt pretty good, and I am thinking of going today as well. As someone who bikes to work year-round, I have not been getting as much exercise as normal (though there is lots of walking to do and lots of stairs, plus all that swimming) and I have been eating more than usual (though not too much more), so having the gym here is pretty useful. It's a nice gym too, by the way, lots of equipment, TVs built-in (ah, technology,,,) and a great view. It is right at the front of the ship overlooking the bridge i.e you can see the officers driving the boat (sic), the radar screens etc. Cool.

As for repeat guests...
I was remarking to Maritala, as our evening meal was interrupted by Chip'n'Dale and their side-kick Conchita Banana, which was an oh-so-typical, oh-so-Disney, wonderful diversion during a late meal with small children, "where else could we get the same kind of vacation experience apart from with the Disney Cruise line?" Disney really does this better than anyone else. It is rather hard to imagine going on a Royal Caribbean or Norwegian cruise (for example, great as both are) with children, after having done this one, without it being a disappointment for the kids. Which is great in some ways (Disney have a fabulous product here, unlike any other, one that I can unhesitatingly recommend - which is great for my clients, and especially good for Disney!) but is sad in another - as nothing else will quite measure up. Hence so many repeaters... OK, if you are a casual Disney fan, you may not need all of the razzmatazz all of the time, but still, imagine keeping two small children awake and interested through a 90-minute evening meal on a regular ship... As I type this, Maritala is saying "let's go on the 2007 Mediterranean cruise next year - it would be so cool..." That is Maritala, a reluctant Disney vacationer speaking, not me!!
Antigua is calling us tomorrow, and I still have to download today's 100 pictures from my camera and work out which pictures to upload... Bye for now...
[Back to... St Lucia - and kids club comments...]
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