Yes, I know, I am a day behind - see the last post for my explanation. I hope to catch up today!
Well, you already know that our youngest daughter turned three today. We had brought some little things along with us - Disney themed, some of it - which was a nice start to the day.
Soon after we were checking out one of the gigantic breakfast buffets. Today we chose Parrot Cay, which has a cool Caribbean-influenced colourful ambience. Of course it is physically "cool" as well, air-conditioned to an extreme wintry chill, so you will note that we are all wearing sweaters. Daft, if you ask my opinion, to air-condition the restaurants quite as much as they do, but it is something to consider when packing.

Our kids had chosen to make their own autograph books for the ubiquitous Disney character appearances (most of the characters will sign autographs as well as posing for pictures). If you forget to bring an autograph book, you can, of course, buy a Disney one in the store on board... Today they got their first workout, with autographs from Max (who is related to Goofy in some way - haven't worked out quite how...) and Goofy himself - later they collected Captain Hook, and Peter Pan too. It's amazing how many chances the kids (and many of the adults) have had already to meet the Disney characters. Anyone considering taking a Disney cruise needs to know that it is definitely a DISNEY cruise. If you weren't planning to take autograph books, kids costumes (adult costumes, maybe?) perhaps you should re-think! You will not be out of place if you do, and you may well be out of place if you don't!

So far I haven't mentioned the weather, sea conditions etc., but I am including a picture here of the sea, taking while sailing at almost full speed. It was like a lake - a really, really big, blue lake - all day. An almost imperceptible swell and temperature around 30 degrees C. Very, very nice.
We knew that this evening's show was not going to be the best for the little ones tonight, so prepared to put them into the kids programming before the evening meal. Which meant that I figured that they really should have a nap in the afternoon. Did my children appreciate the enforced stay in the cabin when they could have been on deck/in the pool/in the kids club etc.? What do you think!! Gabriella, at least, understood the need and was prepared to take a small nap. I was really ready, and mine could have been a large nap - I wouldn't have minded - but Kiara was not quite as amenable. In fact she spent most of the hour that we had set aside crying and shouting "I don't NEED to go to sleep". She did eventually fall asleep, but we all had to wake up again about 15 minutes later! So, hmm, we'll think about that for tomorrow...

The thing is, there is just sooo much to do! And as a parent I think that I just don't want to miss anything. (If I send them off to the kids club they'll have fun WITHOUT ME!!! Aaargh... and I won't have pictures of it... Aaargh) I really think I need to relax. I am supposed to be on vacation!!
As I am writing this - I have come to a realisation. This first day was not relaxing. Oh, it was fun. The kids had a great time. So did I, mostly. But it was not relaxing. Disney WORLD, is supposed to be frantic, the Disney CRUISE, is supposed to be relaxing... I must be doing something wrong. I will work on that for you and try to find out what I should do differently. Those of you that know me will realise that I am not a very relaxed person, so that will be part of it, but nonetheless, it will be a good idea to report on my tips on "how to relax on a Disney Cruise, even if you are not a relaxed kind of person". Coming soon to a blog near you - watch this space...
But I digress... (I do that a lot|)...

Both kids went of into the kids programming for the evening (for about two hours), and had a lot of fun! Gabriella made "Flubber", and couldn't stop telling us about the crazy professor and the crazy ingredients - including crocodile tears - and later we actually collected her Flubber to bring home. I wonder what the Office of Homeland Security and/or Canada Customs will think of that?! Kiara played parachute games and then went to the circus (not real, I think...) with Jo-Jo the clown, and game back beaming and clutching her colouring of Jo-Jo. We whisked them out from the kids club straight into the line for a family picture with the big cheeses themselves - Captain Mickey Mouse and Minnie. Here's a tip, I stood in line, holding our place, craftily timed, while my wife collected the girls. When they arrived I was only two from the front of the line, so there was no fidgety waiting. If only I could organise everything else to smoothly!

Another highlight of our day was the meal in the Animator's Palette restaurant. We had all been looking forward to this dining experience, as we knew that the room started out all in black-and-white and ended up a blaze of colour. We didn't know any more than that, and were dazzled at many occasions during the meal by lights, colours, pictures lighting up, video screens changing and more. The children (who were much more rested today - thank you, 15 minute nap...) were able to appreciate the whole 2 hour meal, while the parents got to eat some delicious food and wine - a full three courses this time! And Kiara got a special birthday cake and we got to sing to her. It was very nice.
An extra treat for the girls as we left was that they were the last two to speak with Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) before she went back to her castle for the night. She signed their books and posed for a picture too.
It was at that time that I found out how to get the internet working on my laptop - a surprisingly fast connection actually - and got yesterday's post done. So I had a late night, and now really need another nap today - hopefully longer than 15 minutes this time!
I'll be back soon!
On to... Another beautiful day at sea
[Back to... It's a "Wonder"ful Life]
Thanks for your comments Michelle. It certainly is fun. You can see the other 10,000 photos when we get back... Alex
You sure have to get up early in order to keep your posts up to date. It sounds as though you are all having a great (and busy!) time.
Belated birthday wishes for Kiara. Noah has been thinking it has been awfully quiet next door...
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